Friday, February 28, 2014

Art & Influence

MK Asante lends his poetic voice to the discussion of the role of artists in impacting societal values—tackling issues of the influence of art in society as well as if artists should acknowledge art’s political potential. Georgetown University sociology professor Dr. Michael Eric Dyson contributes to the discussion.

Art & Language

MK Asante reveals the formula for efficacious writing and acknowledges the many languages of art. In this acknowledgment, Asante shares his efforts to master various art forms. He also discloses what he believes to be the higher purpose of art. Georgetown University sociology professor Dr. Michael Eric Dyson adds to the discussion.

Arts & Creativity

Insisting that creativity and imagination are often stripped from the American education system, MK Asante offers ideas for its implementation. Georgetown University sociology professor Dr. Michael Eric Dyson adds to the discussion.

Faith In Others - BUCK

MK Asante offers his thoughts on how believing in the abilities and genuineness of others can actually be self-empowering. Georgetown University professor of sociology Dr. Michael Eric Dyson contributes to the conversation.

Faith Walking - BUCK

MK Asante offers that believing in a purpose greater than oneself is a key to happiness in life. Georgetown University professor of sociology Dr. Michael Eric Dyson contributes to the conversation.


MK Asante reflects on the relationship between self-love and faith. Georgetown University sociology professor Dr. Michael Eric Dyson lends his expertise to the discussion.

Mental Health Support

Using excerpts from his mother’s diary as a glimpse into the mind of someone suffering from serious mental health issues, Asante redirects the listener to practical ways to support family members who suffer from mental health issues. Georgetown University sociology professor Dr. Michael Eric Dyson enriches the conversation.

Mental Health

Using his mother’s struggles with depression and his sister’s battles with schizophrenia as a backdrop, MK Asante addresses mental health issues and identifies ways to support not only people with mental health issues, but also the family members who are trying to understand those issues. Georgetown University sociology professor Dr. Michael Eric Dyson lends his expertise to the discussion.


MK Asante takes listeners on a personal odyssey as he takes a fresh perspective on a common topic: the disparity between public and private schools. Interweaving his personal narrative with a poetic voice, Asante dissects what he sees as an antiquated system of American teaching and the deleterious effect it has on many American children, particularly its black and brown populations. Intellectual luminary Dr. Michael Eric Dyson contributes to the discussion.

Self Education

Propelled by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, MK Asante’s self-discovery continues as his father and a teacher at an alternative school feed his newfound love for books. Asante makes contemporary connections to literacy issues and the indispensability of literacy to an informed, empowered citizenry. Georgetown University sociology professor Dr. Michael Eric Dyson contributes to the discussion.


MK Asante invites listeners to travel with him as an alternative educational system reinvigorates the natural curiosity that other schools—public and private—had disquieted in him. Asante offers practical suggestions and anecdotes that urge the country to change the way it thinks about education and to create systems that encourage innovation and creative thinking. Georgetown University sociology professor Dr. Michael Eric Dyson adds to the discussion.

Sibling Importance

While virtually bestowing deity status upon his older brother when he was a young boy, MK Asante learned firsthand the influence that siblings can have on each other. He also realized that definitions of sibling relationships described by blood relations alone might be too limiting. Georgetown University sociology professor Dr. Michael Eric Dyson contributes to the conversation.

Street Education

Pointing to the environment as a learning tool, MK Asante interlaces
personal stories of the unconventional teachers that allow his precocity to shine despite the dysfunction that surrounded him—at home and at school. Georgetown University sociology professor Dr. Michael Eric Dyson contributes to the discussion.


MK Asante draws parallels between community-based struggle as manifested in mass movements including the Civil Rights Movement and the individual-based struggle articulated by today’s Hip Hop Community. Georgetown University sociology professor Dr. Michael Eric Dyson provides poignant insight to the discussion.

Self Education

Propelled by an insatiable thirst for knowledge, MK Asante’s self-discovery continues as his father and a teacher at an alternative school feed his newfound love for books. Asante makes contemporary connections to literacy issues and the indispensability of literacy to an informed, empowered citizenry. Georgetown University sociology professor Dr. Michael Eric Dyson contributes to the discussion.

A Village

MK Asante acknowledges the primacy of the community (the village) to the African-American community and discusses the importance of collective responsibility to child rearing. Georgetown University sociology professor Dr. Michael Eric Dyson contributes to the conversation.

Art & Emancipation

Drawing parallels to some of the historical resistance movements of African-Americans, MK Asante offers five requisites for art. He maintains that art has healing potentials if these five elements are present. Georgetown University sociology professor Dr. Michael Eric Dyson adds to the discussion.

Hip Hop Culture

Using an undertone of Hip Hop poetic swag, MK Asante demonstrates that Hip Hop is more than a genre of music. He likens the five elements of Hip Hop to a curriculum and shows how these elements can be embraced and embodied in art. Using his own version of Hip Hop swag, Georgetown University sociology professor Dr. Michael Eric Dyson enriches the conversation.

Hip Hop Esthetics

MK Asante enlightens listeners on how the survival ethic that is at heart of Black life and culture permeates Hip Hop culture. Asante maintains that this survival ethic is responsible for the codes and improvisation that are found within Hip Hop and can even be found in the etymology of the word Hip Hop. Georgetown University sociology professor and Hip Hop scholar Dr. Michael Eric Dyson is central to the conversation.

Hip Hop Liberated

MK Asante addresses the critics of Hip Hop who see it reflecting the most degrading aspects of African American culture. Georgetown University sociology professor and Hip Hop scholar Dr. Michael Eric Dyson enriches the conversation.

Hip Hop Popularity

MK Asante addresses the international reach and impact of Hip Hop, including its subversive potential to resist political and cultural dominance. Georgetown University sociology professor and Hip Hop scholar Dr. Michael Eric Dyson enriches the conversation.

Mental Health Community

Despite being a tabooed topic in much of the African American community, mental health illness has become ubiquitous. MK Asante advocates for frank, aggressive discussions to tackle a problem that often goes undiagnosed. Georgetown University sociology professor Dr. Michael Eric Dyson contributes to the discussion.

Mental Health Taboo

Featuring a dramatic reading from his mother’s diary, MK Asante addresses the shame that often accompanies mental health illness in America, particularly the African American community. Georgetown University sociology professor Dr. Michael Eric Dyson contributes to the discussion.

Parental Responsibility New

MK Asante examines the foundation that parents try to establish for their children while acknowledging that even the best-intentioned parents are unable to protect their children from all destructive societal influences. Georgetown University sociology professor Dr. Michael Eric Dyson contributes to the conversation.